I was in a good mood on the first day of the new semester. Although I still had a bad feeling within me that something bad was gonna reach my ear which turned out to be true. I was pleased to meet my housemates again, and I was back on my old routine (go to class, rest, exercise, eat, sleep).
As for my courses, I have decided to choose multimedia subjects for the majority of the third semester. I thought it would be easier for me to concentrate on my studies. Besides, the main reason I came to this University was to study multimedia, not business!
On Tuesday, I visited my old college to show my college's transcript to Tiara, my old friend. So I gave the transcript to her, only to find out a bad news about my ex-girlfriend. I don't want to go into details, because I for one don't wanna talk about it. But I didn't have to worry about it for so long 'cause I met Nari, another one of my old friends, and he was able to cheer me up. Thanks for the advice and silly jokes, man!

At least I still got friends who care and able to cheer me up. I miss Hong Kong, and I miss all of my friends in Hong Kong, especially Raj and Esmy. You two are probably the closest (although geographically farthest) things I've got right now besides my family. Talking about family, we had a family gathering at the Legend Hotel recently, and it was great to have the entire family having dinner together. Although my nephew was always a pain in the ass, but it didn't matter.
Anyway, I just hope that the next four months' gonna bring me good fortune, and please look for a new girlfriend, Sparky (haha, was talking in third person).
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