11 league titles have been given, 264 games have been played, 334 goals have been scored, and more than 2640 minutes of FIFA 09 football so far this year. Unfortunately, the latest league was probably gonna be our last small FIFA 09 league tournament. drift king's departure for Sunderland, UK have forced me to end it prematurely.
However, there is a possibility for someone else to replace drift king's position. If you live in Seremban or anywhere near it, you are welcome to join our little FIFA 09 league.
Anyway, the point of this post is to show you the team tactics' been used between the four of us. Firstly, let's take a look at my tactics:
However, there is a possibility for someone else to replace drift king's position. If you live in Seremban or anywhere near it, you are welcome to join our little FIFA 09 league.
Anyway, the point of this post is to show you the team tactics' been used between the four of us. Firstly, let's take a look at my tactics:
SparkyX2020's "one-touch" tactics

Secondly, it's drift king's:
drift king's "panzer" tactics

drift king's approach is much more direct. His killer long balls and straightforward play have made him the overall topscorer in FIFA 09 with 109 goals. Just like the Germans in 2006 World Cup, his tactics require fast runners and good ball controls before putting the ball to the back of the net. That's drift king style of play.
Thirdly, the one-sided player, abg botak:
abg botak's "wings" tactics

Last but no least, Biawak's tactics:
Biawak's "pass-back" tactics

haha...already got people to replace??find an arsenal fan you should..klakar gak tgk am nye tactic...simpang siur..hehe..stay tune..will be back after december..by then fifa 2010...practice lebey2 sikit..hehe
Hopefully lah ade. Mungkin Eddie bleh replace ko? XD
Am nye tactic mmg mengelirukan. Sampai aku sendiri tak tau mane hale tuju arrow dalam gambar die. :D
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