A free country?

It baffles me with Malaysia's media these days. They say that they are not biased. But for the last 5 years, they have been doing the opposite by focusing more on the BN than PKR. It baffles me even more as they keep on refusing to put on the audio everytime a PKR speaker speaks on the parliament on the TV's news (Buletin Utama, EDISI 7, etc.), but they show the videos with audio everytime a BN speaker speaks!

If we want to be called a "free country", we need to free the media from the government's involvement. Same goes to our anti-curruption agency, the so-called new SPRM (which is basically just the same as SPR, just by adding M at the end). I thought it is now a free-agency, but it's still tied with the Prime Minister! How can I trust them if the staff are being chosen by that sleepy PM?

*sigh* I just wish our country is just like Singapore or Hong Kong. Free from corruption, and free from mat-rempit.