It's December, and it's almost Christmas. It feels like it was only yesterday I got back to Malaysia. Heh, I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. Time goes by really fast now, or maybe I just never really paid attention to what was happening around me, except at the fact that I hooked up and broke up with my Nilai girlfriend in a space of six months.
Up until now, my life has been decent. It has never improved or gotten worse for all I care. But I know for a fact that I have improved my home entertainment. In four months I have
transformed my house into a wireless entertainment from Xbox 360 to PC and laptops. Anyone who comes to my house will not get bored anymore, and they can even bring as many PCs or laptop as they want.
Anyway, it's almost mid-December, and I'm almost broke, and I'm still single. How much worse my life could get? It's not as bad as you think actually. I will always think positive no matter what the situation is. That's what I've learned from 'The Secret' book. It taught me how to be positive in all situations. Because let's face it, it's not helping to become panic when you know you're gonna be late for work or class. That's just gonna add more pressure and stress to yourselves. Just relax, and think happy places (heh, as if).
Oh, and Malaysia has been knocked out of the AFF Suzuki Cup by Thailand earlier today. Not really a surprise, but can someone tell me why do we have to have faith with the national team? Thailand totally thrashed them, and they didn't even deserve to get anything from it. To add more to the humiliation, the team have no dicipline at all! They tried to get into a fight, AGAIN! Just when I thought the FAM have changed the way they handle the situation, but I was wrong. They need to rethink, and take the example of the English FA. Singapore is even better than us right now, which is so embarassing.
At the end, I don't really care about the Malaysian team unless they start getting results. I'm just happy for Liverpool right now. Top of the league, and top of the Champions' League group table too with the win against PSV Eidhoven last night. Come on you Reds!
Up until now, my life has been decent. It has never improved or gotten worse for all I care. But I know for a fact that I have improved my home entertainment. In four months I have

Anyway, it's almost mid-December, and I'm almost broke, and I'm still single. How much worse my life could get? It's not as bad as you think actually. I will always think positive no matter what the situation is. That's what I've learned from 'The Secret' book. It taught me how to be positive in all situations. Because let's face it, it's not helping to become panic when you know you're gonna be late for work or class. That's just gonna add more pressure and stress to yourselves. Just relax, and think happy places (heh, as if).
Oh, and Malaysia has been knocked out of the AFF Suzuki Cup by Thailand earlier today. Not really a surprise, but can someone tell me why do we have to have faith with the national team? Thailand totally thrashed them, and they didn't even deserve to get anything from it. To add more to the humiliation, the team have no dicipline at all! They tried to get into a fight, AGAIN! Just when I thought the FAM have changed the way they handle the situation, but I was wrong. They need to rethink, and take the example of the English FA. Singapore is even better than us right now, which is so embarassing.

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