I was on a shopping spree last week; bought three new games for Xbox 360 and PC. One of them is of course Gears of War 2. At first, I didn't plan to buy Gears 2, but since Bioshock was not in stock, I decided to go for it anyway. It didn't disappoint me with its awesome graphics, gameplay, and storyline.
There are many games out in stores right now with absolutely mind blowing graphics such as Crysis, Far Cry 2, and Resistance 2. But there aren't many games integrate good storyline with it. Gears of War 2 is one of those games which was able to put a good story into it.
If you have played the first Gears, then you'd be familiar with the gameplay mechanics. It's almost exactly the same with some extra features such as the ability to grab-hold a downed enemy and a chainsaw duel. But they also tweaked a few of the old guns to make them feel better when you shoot. It's probably because of the sound effect and the rate of fire being lowered down.
The settings are much more vast this time around. But it was rather odd to go above and bottom back and forth during the campaign. When at the bottom, we encounter an underworld caves which quite frankly, has a beautiful scenery, thanks to the amazing Unreal 3 engine. When at the top, we can witness the devastation which the Locust had made to the human World. The beautiful artifacts and concrete architecture add with the great lighting makes Gears 2 one of the best looking games out there right now.
Going back to the story, it started with Delta squad left stranded in a hospital in Jacinto (sp?) city. They expanded the story of the Delta squad members by adding two new characters, Tai and Carmine (a rookie). Both of them quick made a quick impact to the team with Tai being the tough-to-kill guy and Carmine the unselfish rookie who made the battle much easier with his sharpshooting. They also added a backstory to Dominic Santiago, Marcus Fenix's (the antagonist) sidekick, about his lost wife. I will not give any details, but the other two members of the Delta squad from the previous game (Cole Train and Damon Baird) also make a return. Play the game if you want to know more about the story.
The only drawback to the game is the ending to the whole plot. There are more questions left unanswered than answers. But I wouldn't complaint if it was just a set-up for the next big thing for the sequel. I'm already looking forward to the next installment.
My rating: 9.0/10
Pros: Great cinematic actions, great gameplay mechanics, and great storyline and scenery
Cons: Only matchmaking available in the multiplayer, many questions left unanswered at the end of the campaign
There are many games out in stores right now with absolutely mind blowing graphics such as Crysis, Far Cry 2, and Resistance 2. But there aren't many games integrate good storyline with it. Gears of War 2 is one of those games which was able to put a good story into it.
If you have played the first Gears, then you'd be familiar with the gameplay mechanics. It's almost exactly the same with some extra features such as the ability to grab-hold a downed enemy and a chainsaw duel. But they also tweaked a few of the old guns to make them feel better when you shoot. It's probably because of the sound effect and the rate of fire being lowered down.

Going back to the story, it started with Delta squad left stranded in a hospital in Jacinto (sp?) city. They expanded the story of the Delta squad members by adding two new characters, Tai and Carmine (a rookie). Both of them quick made a quick impact to the team with Tai being the tough-to-kill guy and Carmine the unselfish rookie who made the battle much easier with his sharpshooting. They also added a backstory to Dominic Santiago, Marcus Fenix's (the antagonist) sidekick, about his lost wife. I will not give any details, but the other two members of the Delta squad from the previous game (Cole Train and Damon Baird) also make a return. Play the game if you want to know more about the story.
The only drawback to the game is the ending to the whole plot. There are more questions left unanswered than answers. But I wouldn't complaint if it was just a set-up for the next big thing for the sequel. I'm already looking forward to the next installment.
My rating: 9.0/10
Pros: Great cinematic actions, great gameplay mechanics, and great storyline and scenery
Cons: Only matchmaking available in the multiplayer, many questions left unanswered at the end of the campaign
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